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Accepted Papers


  1. Verifying Recurrent Neural Networks using Invariant Inference
    Authors: Yuval Jacoby, Clark Barrett and Guy Katz


  2. An Abstraction-Based Framework for Neural Network Verification
    Authors: Yizhak Elboher, Guy Katz and Justin Gottschlich


  3. A Comparison of Neural Network Tools for the Verification of Linear Specifications of ReLU Networks
    Authors: Ziggy Attala, Ana Cavalcanti and James Woodcock


  4. Verification of Recurrent Neural Networks for Cognitive Tasks via Reachability Analysis
    Authors: Hongce Zhang, Maxwell Shinn, Aarti Gupta, Arie Gurfinkel, Nham Le and Nina Narodytska


  5. Robustness Verification for Ensemble Stumps and Trees
    Authors: Hongge Chen, Yihan Wang, Huan Zhang, Cho-Jui Hsieh, Si Si, Yang Li and Duane Boning


  6. NeVer 2.0: Learning, Verification and Repair of Deep Neural Networks
    Authors: Dario Guidotti, Armando Tacchella and Luca Pulina


  7. Simplifying Neural Networks using Formal Verification
    Authors: Sumathi Gokulanathan, Alexander Feldsher, Adi Malca, Clark Barrett and Guy Katz


  8. On Symbolically Encoding the Behavior of Random Forests
    Authors: Arthur Choi, Andy Shih, Anchal Goyanka and Adnan Darwiche


  9. Parallelization Techniques for Verifying Neural Networks
    Authors: Haoze Wu, Alex Ozdemir, Aleksandar Zeljić, Ahmed Irfan, Kyle Julian, Divya Gopinath, Sadjad Fouladi, Guy Katz, Corina Pasareanu and Clark Barrett

  10. Robustness Verification of Nearest Neighbor Classifiers
    Authors: Lu Wang, Xuanqing Liu, Jinfeng Yi, Zhi-Hua Zhou and Cho-Jui Hsieh


  11. Efficient Verification of ReLU-based Neural Networks via Dependency Analysis
    Authors: Elena Botoeva, Panagiotis Kouvaros, Jan Kronqvist, Alessio Lomuscio and Ruth Misener


  12. Formal Verification of Neural Agents in Non-deterministic Environments
    Authors: Michael Akintunde, Elena Botoeva, Panagiotis Kouvaros and Alessio Lomuscio


  13. Incorrect by Construction: Fine Tuning Neural Networks for Guaranteed Performance on Finite Sets of Examples
    Authors: Ivan Papusha, Rosa Wu, Joshua Brule, Yanni Kouskoulas, Daniel Genin and Aurora Schmidt

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